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Tiny Snippets: A Series of Relational Artworks


Humans are fascinating. And there are so many of them we will never have the pleasure of meeting. Oftentimes I’ll be walking along the sidewalk or driving down the street when I will begin to wonder about those who cross my path. Pondering where they are headed, what they are looking forward to that day, or what is a source of stress in their lives. I don’t mean to say I want to know their entire life story, per se, but I have always been so hungry for little pieces. The tiny snippets of their stories that give me only a quick glimpse into their fascinating lives. It is easy for us to get stuck inside our own heads, but when we open up our eyes to those around us and listen to what others have to say we might just learn a thing or two. Or, at the very least, see the world through a different lens. Through this body of relational artwork I hope for everyone involved to learn a little something about themselves, but also, and potentially more importantly, learn from one another. My intention for this body of work is to temporarily distance the viewer from his or her inward-looking thoughts and witness a stranger’s take on the world.




Words I Wish I Said

The goal of this interactive piece is to release the words that have been held inside. We all have this unspoken text that has eaten away at us and to some extent has kept us from moving forward. Maybe it’s that killer comeback that came just a second too late. Or a long overdue apology to the nerdy kid in sixth grade-you could have included him but never did. The intention is that by finally relinquishing these words, you will be freed to let go of the past.






















There’s Something to be Said for…

This piece is all about the little things. Finding the joys in simple pleasures, and taking the time to appreciate the unappreciated.
















Irrational Fears Revealed

Irrational fears. We all have them. Will they stop tormenting us if we let them loose? Only one way to find out!























Chapter & Verse

A favorite verse. The words that lift us up when we’ve nowhere else to go.




















Heart Beat

If your life were a movie what would be your soundtrack? What is the tune that resonates through to your core? This is the beat within your heart.



















Learning to Laugh

We can all think of our most embarrassing moment; it makes us cringe every time. Find the humor in it and learn to laugh at yourself; the sooner you learn to laugh, the simpler life becomes!

















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